/ May 2, 2022/ Planning

Business Continuity Services

Following business continuity planning principles helps you to efficiently manage budgets, resources and systems that build resilience into your organisation. The result is a business that is more manageable, profitable and can bounce back quickly after a crisis or disaster. 

At BCP-AU we have found that while there are a variety of companies that offer BCM training, they are expensive, overly complicated, and not practical for small business. Our aim is to simplify the ‘behind the scenes’ business processes for small businesses and entrepreneurs. 

Proper planning is needed even for small projects in small businesses. An investment in planning upfront can make the entire project more effective, much easier to implement and improve the results you get. There are many benefits for you, as a small business owner, in having a Business Continuity Plan and understanding the processes of Business Continuity Management (BCM). 

BCP-AU provides services in Business Continuity Planning and advice to help build organisational resilience into your small business. We will help you with risk management ideas to improve your current business plans. Make an appointment with us to discuss how we can help to build resilience into your business at: www.bcp-au.com/bookings 

BCP-AU also offers practical short courses for small businesses and entrepreneurs. You will learn proven processes and strategies specific for entrepreneurs and small businesses. You will immediately apply the learnings from the courses to your small business in the Action Guides that are included in the course, which will become useful tools for your business that you will refer too in your business after you complete the courses.

With each course you will receive access to our online learning management system, where you will find downloadable 

  • Course Books 
  • Action Guides 
  • Checklists 
  • Cheat sheets 

Our courses are easy to learn, ready to practically apply to your business, affordable, accessible and a LOT of fun. You can enroll in these short courses here: www.bcp-au.com/courses

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